Thank you for using "Monjaya -shaped ship Edo -mae Kisen".
We are enhancing preventive measures and thorough hygiene management for employees in order to be able to board safely and securely.
① Secure social distance (dense / closely countermeasures)
The number of seats on the ship is operated in half of the usual half. In addition, the interval between the seats and seats next door.

② Installation of droplet prevention acrylic
In order to prevent droplets, you can enjoy your meal and chat with confidence because acrylic is installed for each table.
③ Thorough ventilation (sealing measures)
In the past, we use iron plate for ventilation, but we will increase the amount of announcements on the ship and increase the amount of ventilation. (You can open and close the windows on the ship freely.)
④ Thorough disinfecting on the ship
In places where many customers can touch the tables and the entrance on the ship, we will enhance cleaning with alcohol.
⑤ Thorough health management of employees
Employees act on frequent hand washing and disinfecting fingers by disinfecting solution, performing temperature measurements every day, and striving for health management.
⑥ Wearing masks of employee staff
Employees are obliged to wear masks and are serving customers while wearing them.
⑦ Request for temperature inspection and alcohol disinfection when boarding to customers
We will measure the body temperature of all customers before or before the shuttle bus boarding or before boarding. If you are 37.5 degrees or higher, you will refuse to enter, so please note.
In addition, we ask for alcohol disinfection when boarding the ship.

The reservation telephone reception hours will be 11: 00-19: 30.
If there are any changes in the future schedule, we will inform you on the Edo -mae Kisen official website and the official SNS.